10 Hilarious Moments with Louis CK [videos]

Everything’s Amazing and Nobody’s Happy

I’ve embedded this on MSF before, and you’ve probably seen it. But it’s worth watching again.

Louis CK on Being White [NSFW]

I’m fairly certain that both the white boys and the brothers among us will enjoy this one. Louis’ brilliance at its best.

Louis CK on Turning 40 [NSFW]

Damn…I’ve got 11 years left until this is my reality.

Louis CK on Getting Fat [NSFW]

And speaking of things I’ll soon be able to unfortunately relate to…

Louis CK on Single People [NSFW]

“If you’re single, your life has no consequence on the Earth, even if you’re helping people aggressively…which you’re not. You can die and it actually doesn’t matter.”

Louis CK on Married Men [NSFW]

Now that we’ve heard Louis’ views on single people, how about what it’s like to be a married man. I’m not married, but can I anticipate agreeing wholeheartedly.

Louis CK on Fun with a Girl [NSFW]

Louis CK on Being Broke [NSFW]

If you’re a blogger, or a drunk and/or high college student (and really, who else reads MSF?), you’ll be able to appreciate this one. The audio is not good on this one, but it’s worth it.

Louis CK on Kids Names and Their Questions [NSFW]

Louis opens with a riff at the beginning about names, ending with his ultimate name for a kid: “LadiesandGentlemen.” He also talks about the parenting, including the idiocy of playing Hide and Seek with his kids, who run the house and compel Louis and his wife to do all kinds of ridiculous things. This video ends with a discussion of the impossibility of answering kids’ questions. Why? Why? Why?

And we’ll end it with this one…

Louis CK on The Difference Between Girls and Women [NSFW]

The way this one opens sums it up: “When girls go wild, they show their tits. When women go wild, they kill men.”

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