- The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Web 2.0 : Top 25 Apps To Grow Your Business : This article covers some of the best, cheap and effective web apps for the busy entrepreneurs
- Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur : Complete Guide and 40+ Resources : Skellie nails it in this article with a complete guide that shows how you can earn enough to live the life you want doing what you love
- The Web Entrepreneur’s Customer Service Toolbox : 100 Hacks and Resources : This article sums up all the basics that you need to provide exceptional customer service to your clients on the web
- Top 10 Ways You Know You Are An Entrepreneur : This article might make you realize that there is a hidden entrepreneur in you waiting to be unleashed
- Entrepreneurial Proverbs : As Marc Hedlund says it “Little nuggets of wisdom for bite-sized nutrition”
- The Top 10 Mistakes People Make When Starting a Business : A list of mistakes that entrepreneurs make compiled for you so you can learn from someone else’s mistake
- Street Smarts : Secrets of a $110 Million Man : Norm Brodsky says “There are no guarantees when it comes to running a business. But the best entrepreneurs I know follow these guidelines.” Its a must read fro every entrepreneur
- The Entrepreneur’s New Year’s Resolution : “I Will Fix My Pitch” : A detailed article on why every entrepreneur should fix their pitch and how
- 4 Rules For The Practical Entrepreneur : A helpful guide for the practical entrepreneur that sets the rules that you should abide by
- The Business Blogging Toolset : 100 Resources for Entrepreneurs-Writers : Blogs have become an essential part of carrying business on the web. These resources will help you get started with that aspect of new media marketing
- Top 20 Entrepreneurial Quotes : Inspire the entrepreneur in you with these quotes
- 101 Useful Resource For Online Entrepreneurs : Without proper tools and apps getting a business going online is almost impossible. There might be quite a few solutions hidden for online entrepreneurs in this article
- The 100 Daily Must Reads For Entrepreneurs : If you are an entrepreneur or thinking of becoming one, you might want to grab feeds from the ones listed in this article
- Loic Le Meur’s Ten Rules For Startup Success : Loic, the founder of seesmic shares his rules that might help other entrepreneur’s overcome the hurdles
- Rags To Riches : Can Waiting Tables Teach You How To Be an Entrepreneur : True story of rags to riches. And yes, waiting tables can help you become a successful entrepreneur. Go ahead and dig deeper into the article
- Top 10 Signs You’re Made To Be An Entrepreneur : Is there such a thing as “born entrepreneur?” This article might answer the question
- Do You Want To Run Your Own Business? Read This First! : Before you jump in on the “start my own business” bandwagon, going through this article would be a good idea
- 11 Principles of Entrepreneurial Leadership : An article that highlights what it takes to be a leading entrepreneur
- 10 Morning Rituals For The Healthy Entrepreneur : If you are a morning person this article might help you jump start the day better
- 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job : Here is a good kicker to get you into entrepreneurship and build your own domain
- Entrepreneurs : Cream of The Young Crop : Meet the young entrepreneurs and see how they changed their lives one step at a time.
- 13 Seed Funding Options For Entrepreneurs : If you want to get started as an entrepreneur, sometimes getting the seed funding can be quite hard. This article might have some solutions for you
- 30 Books Every Young Entrepreneur Should Read : Scratch the part where it says “young” and go ahead and read it even if you are a 90 year old thinking of starting a business. There is something good to read for everyone on this list
- 7 Teeth-Gnashing Mistakes I Made As An Entrepreneur : Its time once again to learn from some one else’s mistakes. Entrepreneur mistakes 101
- The Happy Entrepreneur : 57 Resources and Tips To Make Solo Work Fun : Yes working alone might be a dream that you might have had for a while. But there are some perils along with the perks. This article might take care of the perils for you so you can enjoy the perks.
- Avoid Entrepreneur Burnout : Fill Your Tank : This is a great article that each and every entrepreneur should give a read. I love the way the author puts it “You find limitless ways to improve on things, or you’ll have an idea dump and before you know it, you’ve got 5 projects cooking in the skillet, 2 in the oven and about 10 on the backburner. Congratulations, you’re an entrepreneur.”
- The Smartest Unknown Indian Entrepreneur : A true entrepreneur. Read a bit about this Indian entrepreneur and you might learn a whole new way to do business and succeed in your entrepreneurial quest
- 11 Ways Of Staying Focused : If you are like me, your mind is constantly running in every direction possible. This article might help you focus and reach your goal, sooner.
- 100 Ways To Be a Better Entrepreneur : Its never ok to be average. If you want to lead you have got to be the best out there. This article might give you some hints on how you can become a better entrepreneur.
- The 5 Top Movies All Entrepreneurs Must Watch : Get the popcorn ready while reading this article. Watch these movies for a dose of entrepreneurial lessons.
Now that you are done scanning, reading or bookmarking the above articles its time to update your feed readers. Below you will find some of the best sites/blogs for entrepreneurs.
20 Sites Entrepreneurs Should Visit Daily
- Entrepreneur : I guess it would be safe to say this is the mother of all entrepreneurial sites
- OnStartups : A blog for entrepreneurs owned by Dharmesh Shah. Dharmesh Shah is co-founder and CEO of HubSpot
- Inc. : This is the website for Inc. magazine and offers tools, advice and other resources for CEOs and entrepreneurs to help succeed
- StartupNation : As the tagline says “by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.” This site offers everything that you might need to make your entrepreneurial dream come true.
- VentureHacks : This is what they call “The Hamburger Helper” for entrepreneurs.
- Entrepreneurs-Journey : A blog managed and owned by Yaro Starak who shares his expertise and advice to anyone wanting to get into internet marketing and blogging.
- GoBigBlog : Wil Schroter, the founder of Go Big Network shares “no BS” advice with entrepreneurs and lays it down the way it is
- SmallBizTrends : This is a must read for all entrepreneurs. A site that analyzes the trend among small businesses
- Springwise : Springwise scans the globe for the most promising business ventures, ideas and concepts that are ready for regional or international adaptation, expansion, partnering, investments or cooperation. Also visit springspotters
- StartUpJournal : The Wall Street Journal Center for entrepreneurs
- GuerrillaMarketing : If you want to learn how to maximize your profits and minimize your investments, this is a killer resource for you
- FastCompany : This is the site for Fast Company magazine. It helps entrepreneurs to work smarter and effectively
- YoungEntrepreneur : A blog that focuses on challenges that young entrepreneurs face. Make sure you visit their forum as well.
- LateralAction : A site that is dedicated towards designers, writers, graphic designers and such.
- Entrepreneurship.org : This site is run by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation to provide global resources for entrepreneurs.
- FreelancersUnion : If you are a freelancer and heading towards becoming a successful entrepreneur this is the site you need to visit often.
- TheToiletPaperEntrepreneur : Who could have thought of a name like that? We recommend you consider reading this book or browse through their blog and get acquainted with the community
- IttyBiz : Naomi is the heart of this blog and gives advice and suggestion to budding entrepreneurs. Be prepared to get a dose of reality cause when she shares, she shares the way it is.
- DuctTapeMarketing : With a readerbase well above 250K you can imagine the popularity of this site among marketing individuals and entrepreneurs. John Jantsch, creator of duct tape marketing has been called World’s Most Practical Small Business Expert.
- BuzzMarketingWithBlogs : Buzz marketing works and so does blogs when it comes to getting yourself known on the web. This site offers tips and advice on how you can make people talk with the help of your blog.