How to remove a ghost from your house

Think your house is haunted? How to scare away things that go 'bump' in the night.

Okay so I know its well past Halloween, but ghost and spirits dont take the year off after Halloween, its a year round gig for them.. So if you have a house that's haunted, who do you call? [via]

How about a person who claims they see dead people?

"It's almost hip now to have a pet ghost these days," says medium and psychic Denise Guzzardo. "People have fun until the ghost starts breaking things and making the dog bark at 4 a.m. That's when they call me."

Guzzardo knows this may sound bizarre to most, but since the age of 3 she says she's been able to contact dead people. "I could hear them," she explains. "My parents just chalked it up to being imaginary friends." It wasn't until her dad died suddenly in a car accident when she was 17 that things kicked into high gear. "I would come home at night and I'd see my Dad standing in the bathroom window," she says. "He always wanted to make sure I got home safely."

These days, Guzzardo has been a go-to psychic for police departments and even for a Travel Channel show on local haunts that followed her walking through Excalibur nightclub. "My favorite haunted place in Chicago is Excalibur," she says. "I've never been around such a large group of trapped souls who were so happy than what I experienced in the Dome Room at Excalibur. They may have died, but the party keeps on going."

Guzzardo also gets asked to make house calls — especially around Halloween. "Sometimes people get nervous when I come because they're not sure they want to get rid of the ghost," she explains. "If they have loved ones who have died, they don't want loving spirits to go away."

But Guzzardo says spirits that are "in the light" would never try to scare you.

"A 'ghost' is a spirit that hasn't crossed over to the other side," she says. "If your loved one is in the light, you won't feel them as a disturbance. But you might smell their perfume or see them down the hall. Maybe they give you a pat on the back and sit on your bed."

And not every ghost is cooperative, she says.

"I was called to a house where the boy who used to live there had hung himself in the basement," she says. "He had knocked a professionally hung painting onto the floor, so the owner called me and wanted to make a house party out of the whole 'ghost clearing.'"

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