16 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped

Worst intersection in the world

This has gotten passed around the internet with titles like WORST INTERSECTION IN THE WORLD OMG. While it's not Photoshop, it's not a real traffic signal either. It's a sculpture found in a roundabout in England. The sculpture obviously means, "We hate out-of-towners, and wish to distress them."

The Reason Your Car Insurance Rates Keep Going Up

Behold The Uno: a one-wheeler motorcycle invented by an 18-year-old. That's right, while you spent your senior year of high school trying to get a peek up the cheerleaders' skirts at basketball games, this dude went out there and completed some engineering slick enough to make every Segway owner jealous.

"Screw Your Boat Race, I'm Outta Here"

We'd like to think that if you were in a speed boat race and Jesus called you to walk out on the water, he'd be cool with you slowing down first. At least for the safety of the other drivers.

Of course, in reality, the photo just captured this guy a split second before tumbling horribly into the water at inhuman speeds. According to a source that talked to the dude in the hospital afterward, all he was concerned about during his recovery was how to make one of his friend's speed boats go faster. Way to learn from your mistakes there, buddy.

It operates just by tilting your weight forward or back to accelerate. Now we'd just like to see him pop a wheelie.

See the other 13 here.

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