20 Store Signs That You Just Can’t Make Up

Weird Signs

Yesterday brought you 20 weird road signs and today I decided to look for signs for stores that kind of leave you either grinning or questioning what the hell these store owners were thinking.

You gotta hand it to those people that have such a sense of humor about their business. On the other hand some of these places have you wondering what the hell goes on inside the store. And on occasion, there’s just bad luck, like a busted light that screws up the wording.

Whatever the case, here are 20 store signs where you “just can’t make this stuff up.”

Weird Signs

Sure it’s childish but it’s a great start.

Weird Signs

At least there’s fresh meat there.

Weird Signs


Weird Signs

This can’t be real, but it’s still funny.

Weird Signs

Man it’s a good thing this place opened. My Elves are getting to be a handful.

Weird Signs

Well that’s nice to know.

Weird Signs

And more!

Weird Signs

I have no comment but I like it a lot.

Weird Signs

Lighting blunders are funny, period.

Weird Signs

These things actually piss me off.

Weird Signs

Whereas these don’t at all.

Weird Signs

Worst store ever.

Weird Signs


Weird Signs

Yes they do. Yes they do.

Weird Signs

Thank God one of these opened.

Weird Signs

A store opened by Beavis and Butthead.

Weird Signs


Weird Signs

I can think of a few exes that should shop here.

Weird Signs

[via uncoached]

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